हमारी कहीं कोई ब्रान्च नहीं है, न ही हमारा प्रतिनिधि है और न ही हमारे हकीम साहब कहीं दूर जाते हैं। इसलिए रोगी भाईयों से अनुरोग है कि वह इलाज के लिए स्वयं मिलें या फोन कर परामर्श लें।
We use a team approach to providing health care, and involve the patient as part of our team. nvolvement by our staff in the community enhances our ability to provide effective health care. The most common kind is external beam radiation therapy. This treatment uses a large machine called a linear accelerator. High-energy beams are aimed from the machine to a precise point on your body. Modern methods of radiation are precise. They aim beams directly at the cancer while protecting healthy tissues from high doses of radiation. But other types of radiation therapy exist, including proton radiation.
This treatment uses a large machine called a linear accelerator. High-energy beams are aimed from the machine to a precise point on your body. Modern methods of radiation are precise. They aim beams directly at the cancer while protecting healthy tissues from high doses of radiation. But other types of radiation therapy exist, including proton radiation.
Our business Marketing programs helps to break the performance of your business down into customers and product groups so you know exactly which customers or product groups are working and which ones aren’t you can make the changes needed to get the best results out of your business.